Road Ride Privacy Policy

  1. Introduction about the app

Road Ride application is a social application that serves the Road Ride team, and it is a platform to facilitate communication between team members, Display Team Information and advertise activities (trips) organized by the team, in addition to collecting applications from members to join those activities.

3. Target Audience  

  1. Application Description

The application announces the activities (trips) organized by the team so that team members (users) can join the activities they choose when creating their account in addition to some required personal information, while noting that the information is kept confidential through the privacy policy of the application.

The application includes the necessary information about each activity that is organized and announced by the management (date and time of the activity, activity level, expected distance of the activity, expected time, members participating in the activity,

etc.) Through the application, the user can view all available activities, as well as request a reservation for the activity he wants

 In addition to displaying the list of the best members based on the number of activities previously participated in and the level of each activity, and the ability to add information about his bike and display it for sale through the bike store in the application.

He can also request a subscription to be a premium member in this application through a list of available subscriptions with a display of the features of each subscription separately (the ability to sell a bike through the application, display the best members panel, browse the activities of premium members with the ability to request an activity reservation in early time)

With regard to team management, it has the ability to control the activities that are published internally through the administration's web portal to confirm or apologize for the team member's reservation, in addition to the possibility of accepting or rejecting the user's team membership when creating or rejecting his account.

  1. User rights and responsibilities and mechanisms for protection and privacy of his information

  1.  Users (team members)

The user has the right to:

  1. Management (team management)

The administration has the right to:

The team management must obligation to respond activity requests, team membership requests    and superuser subscriptions.

  1. Information We Collect

Road Ride collects personal data in the course of its activities, including in connection with certain customer services. We also collect your personal data in certain areas of the Sites when you register or create a user profile, and may include information you provide, such as your name, email address and phone number.

We may also automatically collect information about the devices you use to interact with our Sites. The information we collect automatically may include your IP address, device ID, web browser and browsing information collected through cookies, web beacons, pixels, clear gifs, and other similar technologies

Road Ride may also collect personal data about you from third parties, such as data brokers or data aggregators, in the course of its activities, including in connection with certain customer services. We may combine this data with information we have about you or use it independently for the purposes of our benchmarking and data analysis activities

  1. Data retention

Road Ride retains personal data, as necessary, for the duration of the relevant business relationship. We may also retain personal data for longer than the life of a business relationship when needed in order to protect ourselves against legal claims, to use it for analysis or historical record keeping, or to comply with our information management policies and schedules. If you ask us to delete your personal data, Road Ride will make reasonable attempts to delete all instances of the information in its entirety.

For requests to access, correct or delete information, please refer to the “Your Rights” section of this Privacy Policy

  1. Actions to be taken by the entity in case the user violates the usage policy:

In the case that the user violates the usage policy of the application, the account will be suspended temporarily, and the user will be informed of the violation he committed and communicate with him with placing the account under supervision by the technical officials in order to prevent any further violation. In the event of a repeat violation, the account will be suspended permanently. By the training center, the officials in the center will be immediately informed of the violation, and the customer service department in the application will follow up with the center to address the problem and avoid its recurrence in the future.

  1. Any other information that the authority responsible for the application finds appropriate: